Easter Cufflinks
Hallelujah He is Raised! Easter is a sacred, special time to celebrate the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ. The story goes that he was crucified on the cross, along with three other ‘criminals,' on the day we now call "Black Friday.” In the hour of his death, he cried out to God, his Father, "Lord, forgive them. They know not what they do!" going into his death asking for the forgiveness of his fellow brothers and sisters. The women of the village, his most devout followers, including Mary Magdalene, wrapped his body in a white cloth and placed him in a cave for a tomb. They covered the entrance of the tomb with a giant rock, a boulder of sorts, and three days after his "burial," he was sighted walking around the village talking to people. On the Third day, his spirit rose upwards to the heavens, transcending death through resurrection. It is this very special sacred day we call Easter, where all around the world, Christians come together to remember the resurrection of Christ and his death for the world's sins. Here in this little section, you can find Easter-inspired cufflinks for that beautiful Sunday, perfect to give as gifts or wear to church on Sunday morning.